On January 10th, 2024, in order to exchange and share theoretical and practical issues related to inventorying and managing greenhouse gas emissions in businesses from research and practical experience, Faculty of International Economics, Foreign Trade University organized the seminar “Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Management: From Theoretical Framework to Practices at” at Hanoi.

On the side of Foreign Trade University, the seminar had the participation of Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Xuan Binh, Dean of the Faculty of International Economics; Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuong Anh, Vice Dean of the Faculty of International Economics; Dr. Luong Thi Ngoc Oanh, Vice Dean of the Faculty of International Economics along with lecturers, graduate students, trainees and students of Foreign Trade University. The seminar also had the participation of Mr. Dinh Trung Hieu, Founder and General Director of Company; Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Director of Science and Policy Research of Company along with lecturers, graduate students, trainees and students of Foreign Trade University.

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Xuan Binh emphasized that sustainable development is Vietnam’s top goal in the context of increasingly serious climate change developments in the world. Vietnam is increasingly focusing on green technologies in production, aiming for a net zero emissions target by 2050. To achieve the above goal, auditing emissions from companies is an urgent need. Vietnam Company is one of the pioneer companies in the field of emissions auditing in Vietnam with technology and enforcement human resources that meet international standards. The activities of Vietnam Company will be an extremely lively practical basis for lecturers and researchers in the field of environmental economics to refer to. Through the discussion, participants can receive updated information on international theories and policies related to climate change and practical emissions control activities of businesses.

In the presentation, two speakers from Company introduced and analyzed content related to green economic trends and emerging green trends in commerce, finance and consumption in international business activities; theoretical basis for greenhouse gas emissions inventory; GHG Protocol, ISO – 14060 towards E-liability; implementation practices at enterprises from manual inventory to technology application; fronts where technology still needs to be perfected. Delegates participating in the discussion then had many thorough questions related to the topics of green economy, circular economy, and greenhouse gas emissions, thereby suggesting many interdisciplinary research issues bringing high practicality.

Summarizing the seminar, Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Xuan Binh sent his thanks to the scientists, experts, managers, business representatives… who enthusiastically participated and gave presentations and shared opinions and useful suggestions at the seminar, especially the contributions of teachers from the Department of Development Economics, Faculty of International Economics in connecting with businesses. The Faculty of International Economics hopes to continue to have collaborative activities with businesses in the future to connect theory with practice, while also opening up opportunities for cooperation between researchers in universities and in businesses.

Some pictures in the conference:

Delegates participating in the Conference

Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Xuan Binh gave the opening speech of the Seminar

Mr. Dinh Trung Hieu, Founder and General Director of Company presented a presentation at the Seminar

Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Director of Science and Policy Research of Company presented a presentation at the Seminar

Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Xuan Binh coordinated the discussion session at the Seminar

Guests asked questions during the discussion session

Guests asked questions during the discussion session

The speaker answers questions from guests during the discussion session