On the morning of 30/10/2018, Seminar “Hyper-globalization: perspectives from Japan and Vietnam” was held at the conference room Lien Viet A1001 at Building A, Foreign Trade University. The seminar is part of a series of events combining cultural, economic, and educational exchanges between Vietnam and Japan on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan. The workshop is also aimed at celebrating the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of International Economics, Foreign Trade University (2009 – 2019).

Attending the conference, there are: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan – FTU principal, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dao Thu Giang – Deputy principal, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Hoang Nam – Head of Scientific Management Department; Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Binh – Head of Executive Education; Dr. Phung Manh Hung – Head of Project Management Unit; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tu Thuy Anh – Head of Faculty of International Economics; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuong Anh – Vice Dean of Faculty of International Economics and all lecturers and students of Faculty of International Economics. On behalf of the Japanese delegation, Professor Takashi Inoue from Kyoto University and CEO of Inoue PR; Ms. Okada Yoshiko Chief Representative of JASSO office in Vietnam.

Associate Professor Bui Anh Tuan delivered the opening speech. In his speech, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan highly appreciated the topic of the workshop, especially in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0. The revolution is fostering the exchange of goods, information as well as the cultural and political factors between countries in the world. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan hopes the sharing of speakers and researchers in this seminar will help teachers and students better understand the world hyperglobalization that we live as well as the effects of hyperglobalization on the operations of nations, organizations, companies, and individuals.

After the opening speech of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tu Thuy Anh represented the Faculty of International Economics to thank Japanese partners throughout the process. We hope this cooperation will continue to be effective in the future. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuy Anh also chaired the discussion.

At the beginning of the seminar, Prof. Takashi Inoue presented his presentation on “Public Relations in Hyper-globalization: Essential Relationship Management – A Japan Perspective”, which detailed the concept of globalization and hyperglobalization.  Then, Prof. Takashi analyzed the role of PR in organizations in the context of hyperglobalization, which highlighted the role of new technologies such as IoT, AI. Professor also suggested how to manage PR based on the experiences of Japanese companies.

The next presentation was from Nguyen Thi Minh Thu, International Economics Department with the topic “Linkages between FIE and local firms: the case of Vietnam”. In her presentation, Thu went from the theoretical base of motivation leading to the decision to use the source of firms to decide the link between the firms horizontally and vertically. In addition, the presentation also evaluates the impact of globalization on the formation of linkages between firms in developing countries such as Vietnam. The conclusion of the presentation is also remarkable that Vietnam has started to form links between enterprises but mainly between foreign enterprises, the link between foreign and joint enterprises. There are many restrictions in the domestic industry, and the government, with its rational industrial policies, can promote this loose link.

The final presentation came from Dr. Cao Thi Hong Vinh, with the topic “Remittances, real exchange rate and the Dutch disease in Asian Developing countries.” The presentation introduced one of the most interesting issues in economic development: “Dutch Disease.” “Dutch disease” came from a problem of the Dutch economy in the last century, but later a lot of countries encountered the “disease” (usually because the country discovered Exports of a country suddenly increase sharply, causing exchange rates to rise (domestic currency appreciation) and rising domestic incomes, causing people to focus more on consumption. The domestic maker, which has led to its export sector, is becoming less competitive). The presentation useed S-GMM model to assess the effects of foreign exchange inflows, ODA, and traditional influencing variables such as interest rates and real exchange earnings (REER). The analysis shows that there is a significant positive relationship between the value of foreign exchange and foreign exchange rates in Asian countries, indicating that the Dutch disease occurs in Asian countries. When the citizens of this country send a huge amount of foreign currency from abroad.

After the presentations, there was a very dynamic question and answer sessions from lecturers and students of Faculty of International Economics. Questions focused on clarifying the concept as well as the characteristics of hyper globalization to economic activities. In addition, the presentations also present some arguments related to the experience of Japan and Vietnam in the context of hyper-globalization.

The seminar “Hyper-globalization: perspectives from Japan and Vietnam” successfully concluded, leaving many impressed guests, teachers and students. In the future, the Faculty of International Economics will hold many conferences, seminars with the same topic for researchers inside and outside the faculty to exchange ideas, experiences, students in the series of the celebration for 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of International Economics.

After the ceremony, the delegates, teachers, and students celebrated the success of the even through a performance by Kaoru Mahoroba and his colleagues. A cherry blossom was also planted in the front yard of VJCC, marking another milestone between the Japanese partners and the Foreign Trade University. The two sides expect the cooperation between Japanese partners and Foreign Trade University will bring fruitful cooperation like the cherry tree is nursed today and brilliantly bloom in the future.