No Title and name Position Department Email Phone number Link information
1. Assoc. Prof, Dr Hoang Xuan Binh Secretary of Party Committee of the Faculty, Dean of the Faculty, Head of the Department of Macroeconomics, Senior Lecturer Macroeconomics binhhx@ftu.edu.vn 0912782608 http://shorturl.at/djQ49
2. Assoc. Prof, Dr Nguyen Thi Tuong Anh Vice Secretary of Party Committee of the Faculty, Vice Dean of the Faculty, Head of the Department of Microeconomics, Senior Lecturer Microeconomics tuonganh@ftu.edu.vn 0904221816 http://shorturl.at/nwT13
3. Dr Luong Thi Ngoc Oanh Vice Dean of the Faculty, Senior Lecturer Development Economics luongngoc.oanh@ftu.edu.vn 0912016243 http://shorturl.at/CGHUZ
4. Assoc. Prof, Dr Tu Thuy Anh Chief Editor of the Journal of International Economics and Management, Head of International Economics, Senior Lecturer International Economics thuyanh.tu@ftu.edu.vn 0943515686 http://shorturl.at/orBHI
5. Dr Dinh Thi Thanh Binh Head of the Department of Research Methodology and Economics Forecasting, Senior Lecturer Research Methodology and Economics Forecasting binhdtt@ftu.edu.vn 0936186396 http://shorturl.at/hlZ78
6. Assoc. Prof, Dr Vu Hoang Nam Head of the Department of Research Management, Senior Lecturer Development Economics namvh@ftu.edu.vn 0386470746 http://shorturl.at/kpy48
7. Dr Phung Manh Hung Head of the Department of Project Management, Senior Lecturer International Economics hungpm@ftu.edu.vn 0964908999 http://shorturl.at/dirS6
8. Dr Hoang Tuan Dung Director of FTU Student Support Center, Senior Lecturer Macroeconomics t.dz.hoang@ftu.edu.vn 0914788868 http://shorturl.at/ejXY4
9. MA Nguyen Thi Hai Yen Senior Lecturer Development Economics yennth@ftu.edu.vn


0904325755 http://shorturl.at/JPRX0
10. Dr Ly Hoang Phu President of Trade Union in the Faculty, Senior Lecturer Development Economics lyhoangphu@ftu.edu.vn 0944904968 http://shorturl.at/APXZ0
11. Dr Nguyen Binh Duong Senior Lecturer International Economics duongnb@ftu.edu.vn 0977296366 http://shorturl.at/aIKVY
12. Dr Thai Long Lecturer Research methodology  and Economics Forecasting thailong@ftu.edu.vn http://shorturl.at/dlAPU
13. Dr Mai Nguyen Ngoc Lecturer Development Economics ngocmn@ftu.edu.vn 0914257242 http://shorturl.at/ACR67
14. Dr Chu Thi Mai Phương Senior Lecturer Research methodology  and Economics Forecasting maiphuongchu@ftu.edu.vn 0989374806 http://shorturl.at/qtvy4
15. Dr Vu Thi Phuong Mai Head of International Co-operation Division, Lecturer Research methodology  and Economics Forecasting maivp@ftu.edu.vn 0978118899 http://shorturl.at/frtx9
16. Dr Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen Senior Lecturer Development Economics thanhhuyenna@ftu.edu.vn 0912281862 http://shorturl.at/hpsV5
17. Dr Tran Minh Nguyet Lecturer International Economics nguyetmt@ftu.edu.vn 0904603004 http://shorturl.at/oqCJX
18. Dr Nguyen Thi Hong Senior Lecturer Macroeconomics hongnt@ftu.edu.vn 0983187982 http://shorturl.at/adiw7
19. Dr Pham Thi My Hanh Senior Lecturer Microeconomics hanhmypham@ftu.edu.vn 0943827997 http://shorturl.at/cEQR8
20. Dr Nguyen Thi Minh Thu Senior Lecturer Microeconomics thunt@ftu.edu.vn 0902172177 http://shorturl.at/GMQT5
21. Dr Le Phuong Thao Quynh Lecturer Macroeconomics quynhlpt@ftu.edu.vn 0924531099 http://shorturl.at/CHLNW
22. Dr Pham Huong Giang Head of Short-course Development Division and Scientific Management Division, Lecturer Development Economics giang.pham@ftu.edu.vn 0933523468 http://shorturl.at/fjosZ
23. Dr Pham Xuan Truong Senior Lecturer Macroeconomics truongpx@ftu.edu.vn 0983564296 http://shorturl.at/qxLRU
24. Dr Phi Minh Hong Lecturer Research methodology  and Economics Forecasting hongpm@ftu.edu.vn http://shorturl.at/befYZ
25. MA, PHD student Le Huyen Trang Lecturer International Economics tranglh@ftu.edu.vn 0915254284 http://shorturl.at/dhR03
26. MA, PHD student Le Thi Minh Hue Lecturer Development Economics hueltm@ftu.edu.vn 0966271499 http://shorturl.at/his09
27. MA Nguyen Thi Hien Lecturer Macroeconomics hiennguyen@ftu.edu.vn 0942352666 http://shorturl.at/EI679
28. MA, PHD student Le Minh Ngoc Lecturer International Economics ngoc.le@ftu.edu.vn http://shorturl.at/fgRTZ
29. MA, PHD student Nguyen Hong Quan Head of Communication Division, Lecturer Microeconomics hongquannguyen@ftu.edu.vn 0983060987 http://shorturl.at/chjkU
30. MA, PHD student Nguyen Huy Khanh Secretary of HCM Youth Union of the Faculty, Lecturer Macroeconomics khanhnh@ftu.edu.vn 0916585468 http://shorturl.at/jQVY2
31. Dr Ho Thi Hoai Thuong Lecturer Macroeconomics thuonght@ftu.edu.vn 0989514148 http://shorturl.at/HRXY0
32. MA, PHD student Nguyen Minh Thuy Vice President of Trade Union in the Faculty, Lecturer Macroeconomics thuynm@ftu.edu.vn 0969995126 http://shorturl.at/ekU68
33. Dr Doan Thi Phuong Anh Lecturer Microeconomics anhdtp@ftu.edu.vn 0978084069 http://shorturl.at/ajuW4
34. MA, PHD student Hoang Bao Tram Lecturer Development Economics baotram.hoang@ftu.edu.vn http://shorturl.at/gjlX4
35. MA, PHD student Le Thao Huyen Lecturer Research Methodology and Economics Forecasting huyenlt@ftu.edu.vn http://shorturl.at/swG26
36. MA, PHD student Pham Phuong Thao Lecturer Development Economics thaopp@ftu.edu.vn 0869300888 http://shorturl.at/bcIVX
37. MA, PHD student Le Thu Trang Lecturer International Economics tranglt@ftu.edu.vn 0968833189 http://shorturl.at/chRTW
38. MA, PHD student Nguyen Thuy Quynh Lecturer Research Methodology and Economics Forecasting quynhnt@ftu.edu.vn 0976859668 http://shorturl.at/gxM18
39. MA, PHD student Le Kieu Phuong Lecturer International Economics phuonglk@ftu.edu.vn 0988321907 http://shorturl.at/hjo35
40. MA, PHD student Nguyen Thu Giang Lecturer Research Methodology and Economics Forecasting giangnt@ftu.edu.vn 0988778330 http://shorturl.at/cefj1
41. MA, PHD student Dinh Ngoc Minh Lecturer Macroeconomics minhdn@ftu.edu.vn
42. Dr Nguyen Kim Lan Lecturer Development Economics lannk@ftu.edu.vn
43. BA Hoang Tran Tram Anh Teaching Assistant Development Economics tramanh@ftu.edu.vn 0972931111
44. BA Nguyen Van Hoang Teaching Assistant Macroeconomics hoangnv@ftu.edu.vn 0965614669
45. MA Hoàng Minh Quyên Teaching Assistant Macroeconomics quyenhm@ftu.edu.vn 0336636158
46 BA Khuat Vu Ngoc Linh Teaching Assistant Macroeconomics ngoclinh@ftu.edu.vn 0903217785
47. MA Tran Thi Mai Anh Faculty staff maianh@ftu.edu.vn 0906012060
48. MA Do Thao Nguyen Faculty staff nguyendt@ftu.edu.vn 0983460020