How to present Internship Report

  1. Presentation of the form of Internship Report (IR):

– The IR must be clearly and cleanly presented in the following format:

+ Main cover (as shown in appendix 1)

+ Secondary cover is normal paper (as shown in Appendix 1).

+ Table of contents: take up to 03 digits (specify page number),

+ List of abbreviations, list of tables (if any),

+ Introduction,

+ Content,

+ Conclusion,

+ List of references,

+ Appendix (if any)

+ “Internship Jobs Report” (no more than 1 A4 page)

+ “Company’s Feedback”

– IR is presented on A4 size paper (210 x 297mm, printed on one side in black ink), amounting to about 30 pages (+/- 10%) from the beginning to the conclusion.

  1. Presentation of the content of Internship Report (IR):

– Font: Time New Roman, font size: 13, line spacing 1.5 lines (do not use After, Before), tab 1 backward when the new paragraph.

– Margin: over: 3 cm; under: 3 cm; left 3.5 cm; must be 2 cm.

– Layout:

+ Name of chapter: Write capital letters, bold, middle, size: 16

+ Headings: Sub-sections of the BCC shall be presented and numbered in numerals, with a maximum of four digits with the first number in the chapter index (eg only sub-item 2, sub-group 1 , section 1, chapter 1); no dot after end of heading number and no colon after end of heading:

. Level 1 entry (example 1.1) is written in lowercase, bold

. Level 2 entry (example 1.1.1) is written in bold, italic

. Level 3 entry ( is written in italic

For example:



1.1 Literature review

1.1.1 Fisheries Characteristics Classification

– How to cite references: How to cite references is done in the form of the author’s name and year of publication immediately after the reference (provide page number information if quoted from the book).

For example: – Krugman (1999) suggested that …

– International economics can be divided into two main categories: international trade and international monetary research (Krugman and Obstfeld, 2006, p. 8).

Note: How to cite reference sources based on the Harvard Extension System. Students can refer to for details.

– Tables, figures, graphs, charts … must be numbered by type and include the order of the chapter. The first number is the sequence number of the chapter, the next number is the sequence number in that chapter. Example: Figure 2.1 (Figure 1 in Chapter 2); Table 1.2 (Table 2 in Chapter 1). Tables, figures, graphs … must have names, units, sources (name, upper unit, left alignment, bold number and table name, etc.) at the bottom of the table. pictures, graphs …).

– Metrics should be separated by thousands, separated by commas, and separated by commas, for example: 1,025,845.26

– Do not leave tables, charts, graphs … cut into two pages.

– You can use footnote to explain (limit extract), size 10

  1. How to sort references

– References in English and Vietnamese is list separated

– Documents are in alphabetical order of the author’s name according to the practice of each country (without numbering):

+ Vietnamese authors: Alphabetical order by name (keep in the normal order of Vietnamese names, not to be reversed before the family name)

+ Foreign author: Alphabetically ordered by Last name.

+ Documents without the author’s name shall be based on the first word of the issuing agency.

+ For non-authoritative references collected from Web pages, all information about documents such as web address, title, access date and link address should be included. The list of sites is taken down the bottom of the reference list.

– Information on each reference should be arranged in the following order:

+ Reference material is Article from Journal: Author’s name (if many authors write next and separated by commas, with the word “and” for Vietnamese documents or “and” for documents Last name of author, Year of publication, “Name of article”, Journal title (italic), Journal number, Cited page.

For example:

Nguyen Van A, 2011, “Discussing Competition Policy,” Journal of Economic Research, No. ….. month …., 55-60.

Jaffe, J. and Westerfield, 1985, “The Impact of …”, Journal of Finance 40, 25-34.

+ Reference material from Books or Research subject: Author or publisher’s name, Year of publication, Name of reference (in italics), Research number / code (if any), Place of publication.

For example:

Tu Thuy Anh, 2011, International Economics Curriculum, Financial Publishing House, Hanoi.

If an author has more than one publication in a year, the order a, b, c

For example:

Brander, J., 1985a, …, Journal of International Economics 18, 83-100.

Brander, J., 1985b, …

  1. Number of submissions

– Hard copy: 02 copies are bundled with blue color (with plastic cover), 01 copy of which is sent directly to GVHD and 01 copy at the Faculty Office within the time limit

– Soft copy: 02 copies (file word 2003 with file name TTGK_K50_Hao and name.doc), 01 copy to GVHD and 01 copy to