1. Full-time training (18 months)



Course name


Course code


No. of



1 2 3
1 Philosophy TRI601 4 x
2 Academic English TAN602E 4 x
3 Trade Theory TMA613E 3 x
4 English Legal Writing and Analysis PLU636E 3 x
5 Innovation in Business KDO605E 3 x
6 Digital Economy KTE630E 3 x
7 Managerial Economics KTE606E 3 x
8 World Trade Law PLU625E 3 x
9 Macroecono mic policy analysis KTE638E 3 x
10 Sustainability Policy Analysis KTE622E 3 x
11 Digitalization in Open Economies KTE633E 3 x
12 Intellectual Property Law PLU615E 3 x
13 Microecono mic Policy Analysis KTE639E 3 x
14 International Political Economy KTE604E 3 x
15 Trade Remedies PLU602E 3 x
16 Trade Facilitation / Customs TMA617E 3 x
17 International Economic Negotiation KTE602E 3 x
18 Data Analysis KTE623E 3 x
19 Trade and Investment Promotion DTU606E 3 x
20 Regional Integration in Asia KTE618E 3 x
21 EU Economic Policy and Law KTE601E 3 x
22 Trade and Development KTE637E 3 x
23 Competition Policy and Law PLU603E x
24 Investment Policy and Law DTU601E 3 x
25 Intermediate International Economics KTE611E 3 x
26 Practical thematic 1 (Select one of the following content) KTE681E 2 x
27 Practical thematic 2 (Select one of the following content) KTE682E 1 x
28 Principle of Public International Law, State Responsibility and Sources of International Law PLU617E 3 x
29 Dispute Settlement PLU604E 3 x
30 International Trade Finance TCH619E 3 x
31 Trade in Services TMA620E 3 x
32 Environmental Economics and Management KTE615E 3 x
33 Public Economics and Policy KTE634E 3 x
34 Non-tariff Measures TMA601E 3 x
35 Trade Policy TMA604E x
36 Taxes in International Trade TMA619E 3 x
37 Agriculture Trade Negotiation and SPS/TBT TMA607E 3 x
37 Internship 6 x
38 Graduation project 6 x


2.   Part-time training (24 months)




Course name


Course code


No. of Credits

1 2 3 4
1 Philosophy TRI601 4 x
2 Academic English TAN602E 4 x
3 Trade Theory TMA613E 3 x
4 English Legal Writing and Analysis PLU636E 3 x
5 Innovation in Business KDO605E 3 x
6 Digital Economy KTE630E 3 x
7 Managerial Economics KTE606E 3 x
8 World Trade Law PLU625E 3 x
9 Macroecono mic policy analysis KTE638E 3 x
10 Sustainability Policy Analysis KTE622E 3 x
11 Digitalization in Open Economies KTE633E 3 x
12 Intellectual Property Law PLU615E 3 x
13 Microecono mic Policy Analysis KTE639E 3 x
14 International Political Economy KTE604E 3 x
15 Trade Remedies PLU602E 3 x
16 Trade Facilitation / Customs TMA617E 3 x
17 International Economic Negotiation KTE602E 3 x
18 Data Analysis KTE623E 3 x
19 Trade and Investment Promotion DTU606E 3 x
20 Regional Integration in Asia KTE618E 3 x
21 EU

Economic Policy and Law

KTE601E 3 x
22 Trade and Development KTE637E 3 x
23 Competition Policy and Law PLU603E x
24 Investment Policy and Law DTU601E 3 x
25 Intermediate International Economics KTE611E 3 x
26 Practical thematic 1 (Select one of the following content) KTE681E 2 x
27 Practical thematic 2 (Select one of the following content) KTE682E 1 x
28 Principle of Public International Law, State Responsibility and Sources of International Law PLU617E 3 x
29 Dispute Settlement PLU604E 3 x
30 International Trade Finance TCH619E 3 x
31 Trade in Services TMA620E 3 x
32 Environmental Economics and Management KTE615E 3 x
33 Public Economics and Policy KTE634E 3 x
34 Non-tariff Measures TMA601E 3 x
35 Trade Policy TMA604E x
36 Taxes in International Trade TMA619E 3 x
37 Agriculture Trade Negotiation and SPS/TBT TMA607E 3 x
37 Internship 6 x
38 Graduation project 6 x