What are the advantages of the International Economics program at Foreign Trade University compared to other institutions offering the same major?


As for the curriculum, the International Economics program at Foreign Trade University is research-oriented. The program’s courses provide students with knowledge of economics and international economics. The curriculum content is inherited and developed from the bachelor’s program in International Economics at prestigious universities worldwide. Therefore, students have the opportunity to participate in 2+2 or 3+1 programs abroad. When becoming a student at the Faculty of International Economics, you have many opportunities for transfer or cultural exchange programs under the cooperation agreements between the Foreign Trade University and reputable universities in the UK, Australia, and Japan (details can be found at this link: http://htqt.ftu.edu.vn/ ).

In addition, students at the Faculty of International Economics are given priority for cultural exchange programs between the Foreign Trade University and Tohoku University in Japan—a special cooperative program initiated by the Faculty of International Economics (Foreign Trade University) in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics (Tohoku University). For those who speak French, there is an opportunity to participate in a summer course in Nice, France, organized by the University of Nice Sofia Antipolis. The faculty at the Faculty of International Economics have all studied in advanced countries, making them a reliable source of information and enthusiastic advisors to assist you throughout the scholarship application process.

Regarding the learning environment, aside from the dynamic academic atmosphere at the Foreign Trade University with a wide range of professional and extracurricular activities offered by over 30 clubs, the Youth Union, and the Student Association, students in the Faculty of International Economics have many opportunities to participate in both academic and extracurricular activities. In terms of professional activities, the Faculty of International Economics has a student club called the Global Economics Club (GEC) sponsored by the Faculty of International Economics. The club regularly organizes academic discussions related to current economic topics both domestically and internationally. Additionally, every year there are major economic competitions organized by the club to identify young talents with a passion for economic analysis. In terms of other extracurricular activities, the Faculty of International Economics organizes regular competitions to seek elegant students and talented individuals through events like IE-Shine, which all students in the faculty eagerly anticipate each year.