First of all, on behalf of the Faculty Leaders, lecturers, experts, students, and trainees of the Faculty of International Economics, I would like to send you the warmest greetings and welcome you to the Faculty of International Economics – Foreign Trade University. The Faculty of International Economics is a pioneering and prestigious faculty in training international economics in Vietnam, established under Decision No. 668/QD-DHNT dated September 1, 2009 of the President of Foreign Trade University.

With the educational philosophy of “Towards liberalization, linked to practice, nurturing honesty, responsibility and creativity of learners”, generations of students of the Faculty of International Economics are equipped with professional knowledge according to international standards, always updated with new knowledge about digital economy, green economy, climate change and advanced research tools taught by a team of experienced, enthusiastic, creative lecturers, graduated from many developed countries such as the US, Canada, UK, France, Japan, Australia, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden… Therefore, students will be equipped with solid professional knowledge, the ability to think scientifically and independently about issues of the world economy, as well as the Vietnamese economy.

Currently, the Faculty of International Economics is training from undergraduate to doctoral levels including standard undergraduate programs in International Economics, high-quality undergraduate programs in International Economics, bachelor programs in International Economics and Development; application-oriented standard master’s program in International Economics, research-oriented master’s program in International Economics taught in English (MIE), research-oriented and application-oriented international trade policy and law program (MITPL) and PhD program in International Economics.

In addition to teaching, lecturers of the Faculty of International Economics are particularly interested in scientific research and policy consulting activities. The goal of these research and consulting programs is to solve practical problems at the enterprise level, at the national and international scale. Research results of lecturers of the Faculty of International Economics are published in prestigious international journals and in leading domestic publications.

Not only focusing on professional knowledge, the Faculty of International Economics also focuses on developing soft skills, building an open educational ecosystem that promotes creativity and the connection between lecturers and students. Students of the Faculty of International Economics have the opportunity to participate in diverse activities of clubs inside and outside the school, especially the GEC Club (Global Economics Club) under the professional sponsorship of the Faculty and other extracurricular activities through cooperation with many partners to organize knowledge playgrounds for students such as WorldQuant Vietnam Company organizing the International Quant Championship, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO organizing the UNIDO Speech Contest. In addition, the Faculty also focuses on cultural and artistic activities, creating opportunities for students to participate and shine through the annual IE Shine gala, activities of the Faculty of International Economics Band and the International Economics Men’s Football Team.

By continuing to improve training programs combined with innovation in teaching and research methods, combined with digital transformation practices in teaching management and scientific research, the Faculty of International Economics is committed to bringing learners and society values ​​in training, scientific research and technology transfer. The roof of International Economics is always open to welcome and nurture as well as train and promote aspirations to conquer intellectual heights, innovate and dedicate to serving the country for the sustainable development of the country in a new era, the era of national growth!

Best regards.

                                                      Dean of the Faculty of International Economics


Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Xuan Binh