1. Presentation of the form of graduation thesis:

– GT must be presented clearly, cleanly in the following order:

+ Main cover (in the form shown in Appendix 1 and in the “Number of Submissions”).

+ Secondary cover is ordinary paper (form as shown in Appendix 1)

+ Table of contents: Get to the 03-digit section (specify the page number), each smaller item must be displayed back to the right of the large item.

+ List of abbreviations, list of tables (if any)

+ Introduction

+ Content

+ Conclusion

+ List of references

+ Annex (if any)

– GT is presented on A4 size paper (210 x 297mm, printed on one side in black ink), numbering about 60-80 pages from Preface to Conclusion.

  1. Presentation of the contents of the GT

Fonts: Times New Roman, font size: 13, line spacing 1.5 lines (do not use After, Before), 1 centimeter backline when new paragraph.

Margin: over: 2.5 cm; under: 2.4 cm; left 3.5 cm; must be 2 cm.


+ Name of chapter: Write capital letters, bold, middle, size: 16

+ Headings: GT sub sections are presented and numbered as a group of digits, with a maximum of four digits with the first number of the chapter index (eg only subsection 2, subdivision 1, item 1, chapter 1); no dot after end of heading number and no colon after end of heading:

. Level 1 entry (example 1.1) is lowercase, bold

. Level 2 entries (example 1.1.1) are bold, italicized

. Section 3 ( is skewed

For example:



1.1 Literature review

1.1.1 Fisheries Characteristics Classification

How to cite references: The citation of the reference is made in the form of the author’s name and the year of publication immediately after the reference (provide page number information if cited from books).

For example: – Krugman (1999) suggested that …

– International economics can be divided into two main categories: international trade and international monetary research (Krugman and Obstfeld, 2006, p. 8).

Note: How to cite reference sources based on Harvard’s sourcing system. Students can refer to http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm for details.

Tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, …: must be centered, numbered by type and include the order of the chapter. The first number is the sequence number of the chapter, the next number is the sequence number in that chapter. Example: Figure 2.1 (Figure 1 in Chapter 2); Table 1.2 (Table 2 in Chapter 1).

Table (only horizontal user), form, graph, … must have Name, Unit, Source:

Name of the figures: on top, centered;

Unit in the figures: on top, right alignment; hyphenated sequence number and name of table, form, figure …; Source: in bottom, italic, centered.

Data should be separated by commas and periods separated by commas, for example: 1,025,845,26.

Do not leave tables, charts, charts … cut into two pages.

Page number is in the center, above the top of the page, and starts from the Preface to the end of the conclusion.

Use footnote to explain (not for referencing), size 10

Abbreviated: Do not abuse abbreviations in the subject. Abbreviated words, phrases or terminologies are used repeatedly in the subject. Do not abbreviate long phrases, clauses; Do not abbreviate phrases that appear in the subject. If the thesis contains many abbreviations, a list of abbreviations (in alphabetical order) should be available at the beginning of the GT.

  1. How to sort references

3.1 Separate references to Vietnamese and English documents, numbered.

3.2 Presentation order of a reference: Order number, Author’s name (no academic or academic title), Year of publication, Name of reference (italic), Publisher / Place of publication (if any), Number of journals (if magazine), From page …. – page … (if magazine).

Documents without the author’s name shall be named by the issuing agency.

If an author in the same year has more than one reference then put the letters a, b, c … after the year of publication in chronological order of publication.

3.3 Sorting of References: Alphabetical (Author is Vietnamese: Alphabetical by name but in the same order of Vietnamese names, do not prefix them. Authors are foreigners: Alphabetical order by family).

For reference material collected from Web sites, all information about documents such as: website address, access date, title, link URL … List of pages The web is down to the bottom of the reference list.

For example:



1 Nguyen Van An, 2011, Discussion on Competition Policy, Journal of Economic Research, August 10, pp. 55-60.

2 Tu Thuy Anh, 2013, International Economics, Statistics Publishing House, Hanoi.


  • Brander, J., 1985a, Competition Management,Journal of International Economics, Số 18, trang 83-100.
  • Brander, J., 1985b, Benefits of Competition,Journal of International Economics, Số 18, trang 68-108.
  • Jaffe, J. and Westerfield R., 1985, The impact of inflation, Journal of Finance, Số 40, trang 25-34.
  • UNDP, 2011, Human Development Report.

http://www.gso.gov.vn/default.aspx?tabid=388&idmid=3&ItemID=12961 (Access on 15/4/2013)


  1. Website of the General Statistics Office, http://www.gso.gov.vn/
  2. Number of submissions

Hard copies: 03 complete theses, in which:

+ A red, yellow and crowded binder printed with student’s name, subject, year of writing.

For example:


+ 2 red (outer covers with plastic cover) attached to the back cover of the “Supervisor’s Comments” are put in a sealed envelope with the seal of the instructor. Submitted at the Office of International Economics Faculty before deadline.

Soft copy: request to send file word 2010 (do not set password) with the file name “KLTN_K53_Hac and name.doc” at econ@ftu.edu.vn and instruct teachers before deadline.